Pirate Party

We opted to party Pirate style for little Abear's 3rd birthday. Some ideas we found via the web, inspiration from the talent of others was utilized, a couple of stores provided some of the pirate-like contributions, and a few things were a test of the imagination. 

We used watered down blue Gatorade for "sea water" with some red and white gummies for life savers, "sword" picks for fruit skewers, some pretty rad "I Love Pirates" chocolate coins from World Market, pirate ale, seashells stuffed with salad (croissants), goldfish crackers for the detail, and some swimming sharks (shark gummies on blue jello). We opted for a couple of different desserts, the kiddos were able to make their own shark bait - crumbled up Trader Joe's Jo Jo's and Swedish Fish in chocolate pudding. For the adults (ok, the kids got in on these too...) we had shark top cupcakes mixed in with some store bought. 

The treasure hunt provided a bit of quality entertainment - a post-Easter sale treasure chest basket filled with lollipops and some small toys. As they say, there's nothing new under the sun, so fifteen minutes before the party was to start I was still scrambling to throw the last details together. Thankfully I have the best family ever, so they pitched in and made it one that Christian seemed to heartily enjoy - not to mention all of the good friends that joined to make it a memorable occasion. 

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