Selfless Sunday

Hey friends,

As the holidays are drawing near, and we focus more and more on shopping, spending, and family events, I ask that we all take one big step toward selflessness. Thanksgiving Thursday, Black Friday, small business Saturday, and Cyber Monday have everyone excited, but, whatever happened to Sunday? Yes, there's church on Sunday and then we move forward with the rest of the week, but taking a step forward to thinking outside of ourselves, challenge yourselves to starting with Sunday. Let's start off 2012 on the right foot and ahead of time with Selfless Sunday. Let's move our American traditions to national and global giving mindsets. Here's the challenge: do something. Move. React. Give. Love.

Some great ways to start:

Find a bum. Love them.

Go visit a lonely old person. Give them a card. Say thanks for being a part of the generation that helped us be who we are.

Write vets thank you notes. They'll appreciate it, trust me.

Call up an orphanage or foster center, or boys and girls club and play with some kids. You'll like it, I promise.

Go visit a prisoner. Tell them the Good News and that somebody loves them. It'll hurt, especially your pride and ideology, but somebody needs to love them for this world to change.

Give to a charitable organization. Great places to start? The Salvation Army. Samaritan's Purse. Crowdrise. Just DO something.

"I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me."

-Matthew 25:36 (NLT)
Tamara HebertComment