DIY: "Painted" Cat Dishes

Little Abear and I were looking at some small dishes in Target recently, and just couldn’t decide on which to get for the newest furry Abear. So, we ended up seeing some small white bowls, and decided to decorate our own. This was a perfect option, since these bowls were right up this thrifty mama’s alley - $1.99 each and we already had the food safe paint pens from Christmas projects. Yay!

These markers are by PaintedByMe, completely safe for humans once baked on, so I figured cats were fine, too ;)

We made our playful designs, being careful not to touch the wet spots we had just worked on. Then, we baked the dishes at 375 for 40 minutes, allowing them to heat up and cool down with the oven to avoid cracking. 
P.S., When starting your project, make sure your dishes are clean and wiped down.

Now, Slinky can get his food + water with a little homemade love and some bottom of the bowl surprises <3


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