Travel Stories: Mississippi

Back in April Mr. Abear needed to head to the South for a couple of work trips, so the kids and I found some steals on red eye plane tickets to Fort Worth and met him, such good memories. It was a great trip full of visiting friends and family - a huge blessing since Mr. Abear was working, so it was convenient and perfect the places we went! While we started in Fort Worth, we drove to Louisiana so his Maw Maw could meet Little Miss for the first time, and then we would travel on for him to work in Baton Rouge. Due to the shape of Louisiana, we started out in one part to see extended family, then drove through Mississippi to get to another part of Louisiana to visit my in-laws and another day of work training for my love. I was bound to stop in Mississippi since we have only ever driven on through, and so Mr. Abear graciously obliged! It was short and sweet, and tasty too! After crossing over the river we were in Natchez, a sleepy little town with a historic area right by the river. We grabbed some delicious BBQ lunch at The Pig Out Inn & Restaurant, and continued on our way. If you're ever crossing through, I highly recommend this stop, it was so pretty, the countryside so green, and of course the delicious BBQ and Sweet Tea. Yum!

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