After the Rain
If you’re an Arizona dweller, you’ve probably been rejoicing with the rest of us over the quick but bountiful rain we just had. Truly it’s my favorite weather.
We’ve been waiting with our dear friend for the rain so we could go to our local community garden and plant our fall garden together. It is always such an abundant joy to spend those moments with her in the garden, learning and planting. She is always such a source of encouragement, and a giver at heart.
Little Abear helped, and then spent some time running through his beloved mulch piles. Watching his imagination, hearing him call out as if he owned every little hill around him brings me so much joy. He truly is the beneficiary of a vast and endless imagination. One of the greatest joys, however, was the look on his face when he found the big carrots, a small harvester digging for treasure.
I can’t help but praise God in that little garden. I can’t help but pray for the next harvest to come, seeing these nearly insignificant looking seeds, praying that one day they’ll bring forth abundance that will nourish life, living organisms fueling creation. The richness of the symbolism within the earth itself isn’t lost on me, but rather a goldmine that can be dug into time and time again. Praise God for little boys with big imaginations, small seeds, and rainy, hopeful days.