Sessions: A Birth Story
Around 12:20 I received the call from the expectant father, letting me know it was the day. It was a day for the cry of a brand new baby entering this world, a life filled with purpose and meaning. I let Mr. Abear know to come home from work, and I quickly got myself to the home where this babe was to be born.
The support crew around this family was wonderful, finding different ways to serve and love on them - bringing food, preparing lunch, folding laundry, and more. It was beautiful.
The mama and dad worked to prepare the last minute details before baby arrived, getting ready, and going on one last walk together. After a bit more rest, this sweet mama’s labor progressed, and she delved deeper into the work of bringing her babe into the world. It was powerful, beautiful, and inspiring to witness. After some time, this brand new child was born, forever changing the lives of those around him, and the world before him. The instant love that was poured onto him, mama, and family was palpable. Long distance phone calls eager to see this sweet babe, as well as close family sharing their love and admiration for their brand new member.
I lingered just long enough to capture his brothers doting on him, mama snuggling with him, and daddy praying over this new life. Praise God for life, for all things new and good.