Sessions: A Christmas Proposal

It was such an honor to be asked to capture this marriage proposal.

I waited the arrival of the bride & groom-to-be on a stunning bridge, looking at gorgeous scenery, on a day where the weather couldn’t have been more lovely - all that was left was a question and an answer.

By the images, I think it’s pretty clear what that answer was <3

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Sessions: Chasing Time

I’m not sure I’ve ever used every capturable moment quite like this. Many a time I’ve photographed into twilight, milking the last ounces of sun… but this was different. This was more than just trying to get the last great shot. This was playing, enjoying, spending time with people closer than siblings. This was moving towards the light, and then drinking every moment of it until there was hardly anything left. And the same is to be said for our time together after the shoot, just soaking it all in, until that last goodbye hug at the airport.

Photography has allowed me so much more than an enjoyable side job, it’s been a tool that has introduced me to people I never would’ve met before, and now cannot imagine my life without. It’s allowed me to laugh, play, and capture through seasons - it’s allowed me the incredible joy of making memories with those I love.

Tamara HebertComment
Sessions: This Moment

It was so sweet getting to capture this mama & her littles at such a jaw dropping location. It was a perfect AZ winter day, a bit of a chill, a quiet location, and lots of “moments” just surrendering themselves to be photographed. These kiddos love their mama, it’s obvious to see - and of course they are her world, too. Moving from one spot to another was seamless as we chatted, played, and had a lovely afternoon of it.

Tamara HebertComment
Sessions: A Birth Story

Around 12:20 I received the call from the expectant father, letting me know it was the day. It was a day for the cry of a brand new baby entering this world, a life filled with purpose and meaning. I let Mr. Abear know to come home from work, and I quickly got myself to the home where this babe was to be born.

The support crew around this family was wonderful, finding different ways to serve and love on them - bringing food, preparing lunch, folding laundry, and more. It was beautiful.

The mama and dad worked to prepare the last minute details before baby arrived, getting ready, and going on one last walk together. After a bit more rest, this sweet mama’s labor progressed, and she delved deeper into the work of bringing her babe into the world. It was powerful, beautiful, and inspiring to witness. After some time, this brand new child was born, forever changing the lives of those around him, and the world before him. The instant love that was poured onto him, mama, and family was palpable. Long distance phone calls eager to see this sweet babe, as well as close family sharing their love and admiration for their brand new member.

I lingered just long enough to capture his brothers doting on him, mama snuggling with him, and daddy praying over this new life. Praise God for life, for all things new and good.

Tamara HebertComment
Sessions: Joyful Spirits

I had such a great time capturing these precious souls. Not only were they so enjoyable yesterday, but just in general each encounter I get to have with them is such a treat. They are genuinely so laid back, kind, and fun to be around - putting that combination in a photo session was pure joy.

Tamara HebertComment
Sessions: Unexpected Places

A few months ago I was blessed to meet this sweet gal through a neighborhood app, and had no idea how God was going to move in her to touch me. It’s really incredible how God uses so many different situations and scenarios for our good, for His glory. I enjoyed the few minutes spent together with this kind soul, sweet mama, and fellow photographer. I’m so glad I had the chance to capture this darling family, what a joy it was to spend a bit of time with them, and be edified again.

Tamara HebertComment
Sessions: Connections

Within the first ten minutes of meeting these kind souls, I was made aware that they lived and served in a country that is dear to our family’s heart. It’s lovely to see how small this world really is, and how Providence introduces souls that have common ground despite only having had this first meeting.

What a pleasant surprise this delightful afternoon session was.

Tamara HebertComment
Sessions: My Own

It was a delight getting to capture my own sweet parents with their grandbabies, as well as capturing them for 42 years of marriage. I just love these souls so much, and am so grateful for them.

Tamara HebertComment
Sessions: Twenty Four

Twenty Four.

College graduation, engagement, bridal portraits, first maternity, first babe held in their arms, first family… and now, the twenty fourth. What an incredible honor. All of these rich milestones, full of joy, expectation, delight. It has been such a precious thing to stand behind my camera and capture each one, the anticipation and the fulfillment - and awaiting one more.

I’m so very, very humbled and grateful to have been there to watch these chapters unfold, and I cannot wait to see what comes within the pages of the next one.

Tamara HebertComment
Sessions: One More

For the past number of years I’ve had the great joy of capturing this beautiful family, a family that is just as beautiful on the inside as they are lovely. This year we had one more little one to add to the Christmas portrait, a sweet boy who loves his doting family and delights in their attention. How precious to see each sibling, and of course mom & dad, take their turn to snuggle, play with and love on this little joy, who now gets to know the wonder of Christmas for the first time himself.

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