Saturday Seven: Simple Joys


JULY! It’s July and I’m just now getting to posting a little Saturday Seven round-up for you all. Last weekend we were in sunny San Diego celebrating the Fourth and enjoying some quality family time. The glasses pictured above actually came out of some online inspiration from a great blog full of fun ideas (you can find it here). I saw the idea to shelve colorful glasses when checking out this blog some years ago, and decided to go ahead and start building a small collection of my own. I just love the diversity of color and texture these little gems!

OK OK, without further ado, here are some things that have caught my eye, my palate, or my interest. Check ‘em out! ;-)

  1. I’m super into cute, minimalist packaging, and while the family and I were checking out a fun store in San Diego last weekend, I couldn’t help but pick myself up one of these little lipbalms.

  2. If there’s one podcast I’ve been all about lately, it’s been this one. So good.

  3. If you know me at all, you know how much I love stickers. These lovely little ones are on my list.

  4. I’m sure I say this everytime, but this month’s playlist is good.

  5. My friend is just as gorgeous on the inside as she is on the outside, and she radiates that in her beautiful interior styling.

  6. I had the great privilege of going south to Atlanta last weekend, and it was suggested that I visit this iconic location — friends, it did not disappoint.

  7. Excuse me while I go stare at this homeschool planner. It might just have to go on our back-to-school school shopping list.

What’s caught your eye lately? Any fun items that have you totally inspired, thinking about, or excited for? LMK in the comments!!


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