Saturday Seven: Something to Think About


Hi, friends!

Today we are spending an incredibly joyful and lazy Saturday together as a family, and I just love it. Everyone needs one of those once in a while! Below you’ll find a list of some (hopefully) helpful, thoughtful, and all around good things we’ve wrangled up. If you’ve tried any of them, or have a suggestion of your own, I would love to hear!!!

  1. I’ve struggled with exhaustion for yeaaaars, so I’m really hoping this natural product (along with a better diet!) will help.

  2. Do something good for the planet, and plant a tree — maybe even a baby giant sequoia? (Don’t laugh, we did! 😂)

  3. Calling all home school moms, my dear friend alerted me to this FREE home school planner, link here! I know I posted a purchasable one last week, but free is also a nice option! ;-)

  4. Has anyone tried blue moon milk? Looks delightful, and interesting!

  5. We bought this game for Mr. Abear’s birthday… friends, it is so ridiculously hard.

  6. I’m currently reading a lot of books, but our friends gifted us this one and it has gotten to David’s and my heart for sure… sooo good.

  7. Wrestle with anxiety? Me too. Here’s a helpful article.


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